Presidents' Day is a United States federal holiday celebrated every third Monday of February. It was originally implemented by the United States of America federal government in honor of President George Washington. The holiday was originally called “Washington's Birthday” and specially celebrated on the exact day of his birth - February 22. In 1971, the celebration was shifted to the third Monday of February in accordance to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.
By late 1980's, the theme has expanded its focus of the holiday in honor of another president also born in February named Abraham Lincoln, until all other US Presidents were commemorated in this celebration.
Today, in celebration of President's Day 2009, corporate businesses are universally close to allow employees a chance to celebrate the holiday. There are no classes as well but prior to its day of celebration, many American schools educate their students about the history of the Presidents of the United States, especially Washington and Lincoln. This is to inform younger generation to be aware of the good works of these noble men who once led and played the role as the president and the leader of what is now the most influential state in the world.
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